Interest Groups

Club members can join a range of interest groups that arrange activities for members and their family and friends:

Digital Photography Group –Rod Oliver arranges outings for taking photographs on predetermined themes, provides photos for the Bulletin and the website, and prepares digital presentations for Club meetings. Walking group – Rod also organises monthly walks in and around Launceston.

History Group – Dr Tom Dunning coordinates visits to places of historical interest in Launceston.

Fine Dining – Tom also organises outings to local restaurants.


Theatre Group – Phil Morris arranges group bookings for interesting theatrical performances.



Lawn Bowls  – Ross Millar organises social sunset bowls at the  East Launceston Bowls club.


Writers Group – Paul Richards organizes activities for to encourage members to write and publish their own books, and the Club has a lending library for books written by Club members.


Socrates Café – Bruce Cohen leads a discussion group that focuses on philosophical issues related to our lives in the twenty-first century.