Andrew was born in Launceston and went to East Launceston Public School followed by Launceston Church Grammar School where I first discovered my interest in mines. Here is his story:
“I went for a school excursion to Beaconsfield. I walked around and just wanted to go through and look at everything underground. I finished school in 1995 and moved to UTAS where I finished my science degree majoring in Geology.
In 2000, I moved to WA to start my life in the mining industry as an open pit Mine Geologist/Field Geologist.
In 2001 I went for a job as a geologist working in the oil industry which took me to America. It was very interesting, but I knew I always wanted to stay in the mines. I started in Indonesia before coming back to Melbourne with a consultancy followed by backpacking for a year and a half.
At the end of my backpacking journey, I spent an amazing year gold mining in Mongolia, followed by jobs in Turkey, China, and Argentina.”
Andrew now lives in Launceston, having taken over the family business.