Andrew Lovitt President of Tamar Lake and Chair of the Tamar Action Group

The Tamar has long been a source of pride and controversy.

Clearly it is wilting under intense and conflicting pressures. From ‘Do Nothing’ to ‘Build a $500 million barrage and the future will be golden’ – with many a variations in between.

Andrew discussed some of the complex and conflicting historical issues with mud in our estuary.  Tamar Lake has invested in comprehensive independent research that they use to highlight bias in local govemental reports. But complexity is confusing the public. The Tamar action group is growing public awarness and participation by simplifying the message to-  “If  you want to fix the mud you can Team up for the Tamar.”

You can sign up at  the Tamar Action Group on facebook or go to

Andrew has enjoyed 35 years as Marketing, Operations and as General Manager, Director and shareholder