Monthly Archives: January 2024

Gold mining in Mongolia

Our speaker on Tuesday, 23 January 2024 is mine geologist, Andrew Millen.

Andrew was born in Launceston and went to East Launceston Public School followed by Launceston Church Grammar School where I first discovered my interest in mines. Here is his story:

“I went for a school excursion to Beaconsfield. I walked around and just wanted to go through and look at everything underground. I finished school in 1995 and moved to UTAS where I finished my science degree majoring in Geology.

In 2000, I moved to WA to start my life in the mining industry as an open pit Mine Geologist/Field Geologist.

In 2001 I went for a job as a geologist working in the oil industry which took me to America. It was very interesting, but I knew I always wanted to stay in the mines. I started in Indonesia before coming back to Melbourne with a consultancy followed by backpacking for a year and a half.

At the end of my backpacking journey, I spent an amazing year gold mining in Mongolia, followed by jobs in Turkey, China, and  Argentina.”

Andrew now lives in Launceston, having taken over the family business.